
Authorities order recounting of votes for DDC seat in Anantnag

District Panchayat Election Officer, Anantnag, on Thursday notified recounting of votes for District Development Council Election for Larnoo in the south Kashmir district.

According to an order issued by Anshui Garg, the DPEO, the recounting of the votes for 08-Larnoo DDC Constituency shall be taken on 5 February at 11 AM at Ground Floor of Conference Hall, Dak Bungalow Khanabal. Deputy District Election Officer Anantnag shall be the Nodal Officer to monitor the conduct of counting process, reads the order.

The recounting of votes follows directions on 2 February by Additional Commissioner, Kashmir, the Appellate Authority, before whom Sajida Begum, the nearest rival, had preferred an appeal as per the law.

The DDC Election for 08- Larnoo was conducted in Phase-1 on 28 November last year and the Returning Officer had declared the Khahda Bibi as the winner by a margin of 07 votes against her nearest rival Sajida Begum on 22 December last year when counting of the voting took place. (GNS)

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