Dilapidated condition of Baramulla Chandoosa road irk Commuters

Mushtaq Bhat a noted social activist in a statement said that the condition of Baramulla-Chandoosa road which lead to various villages, has gone from bad to worse.

He said, “We have never seen the roads to be in such a bad condition.”

Mr Bhat said In some places, the surface of the road has chipped off, increasing the risk of accidents. This has prompted commuters to express their ire against the concerned authorities.

He said the winter is back, so are the worries of residents dependent on this route.

A proposed upgradation of this road and the process of attribution earlier get to dilly-dallying attitude and consequently, the process of execution couldn’t take place. However, the apathy of administration by keeping the road in such position is a matter of great concern.

“We request authorities to kindly address the issue on priority by immediately relaying of our road or at least temporary repairs to the road for the time being, till it’s proposed Upgradation will take place in order to bring inhabitants out of this inconvenience,” Bhat added.

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