
Intas foundation organizes awareness camp at KU

Srinagar: The INTAS Foundation, organized a one-day Awareness Workshop on Hemophilia at Gandhi Bhavan, University of Kashmir in collaboration with the Department of Social Work, University of Kashmir.The event brought together experts from the fields of hematology, pathology, and social work to discuss the significance of early detection and proper management of Hemophilia, a genetic bleeding disorder that is prevalent in the region. The workshop commenced with an inaugural session led by Dr. Javaid Rashid from the Department of Social Work, University of Kashmir, who introduced the importance of the event in raising awareness among social work students and the broader community. Dr. Shazia Manzoor, Head of the Social Work Department, delivered the welcome address, emphasizing the critical role that social workers can play in addressing the needs of individuals with Hemophilia, especially in underserved regions like Kashmir. Mr. Tanveer Ahmad Dar, representing INTAS Foundation, provided a brief overview of the Foundation’s mission and efforts in promoting awareness and providing support for individuals affected by Hemophilia. He highlighted the challenges faced by Hemophilia patients in Kashmir, particularly the need for increased awareness and access to Factor 8 medicines, which are essential for managing the disorder.

The keynote address was delivered by Prof. Bilal A. Sheikh, Head of the Department of Pathology at Government Medical College, Srinagar. Prof. Sheikh provided an in-depth understanding of Hemophilia, explaining its genetic basis, the various types of Hemophilia, and the symptoms that patients typically experience. He stressed the importance of early detection, stating that delayed diagnosis often leads to severe complications, including joint damage and prolonged bleeding. Prof. Sheikh further discussed the current state of Hemophilia care in Kashmir, noting that while advancements have been made, much work is still needed to ensure that patients receive timely and appropriate treatment.

The session also featured remarks from the Chief Guest, Prof. Khurshid Ahmad Butt, Dean of Academic Affairs at the University of Kashmir. Prof. Butt commended the initiative, underlining the importance of such collaborative efforts between academia and medical experts to bridge the gap between medical care and social support systems for Hemophilia patients.

Following the inaugural session, a technical session titled “Hemophilia: Scenario in Kashmir, Awareness & Management” was conducted. This session featured presentations by leading experts in the field. Prof. Bilal A. Sheikh discussed the prevalence of Hemophilia in Kashmir, shedding light on the number of registered cases and the challenges in accessing treatment. He emphasized the need for both medical and social interventions to improve the quality of life for those affected.
Dr. Reshma, Assistant Professor of Hematology at SKIMS Srinagar, provided insights into the treatment and management of Hemophilia. She discussed the latest developments in Hemophilia care, including the availability of Factor replacement therapies and the importance of regular physiotherapy to prevent joint damage. Dr. Reshma also highlighted the psychosocial aspects of living with Hemophilia, stressing that emotional and mental health support is equally critical for patients and their families. The session concluded with a presentation by Dr. Rahil, a physiotherapist from SMHS Srinagar, who discussed the role of physiotherapy in managing Hemophilia. Dr. Rahil explained how targeted exercises and therapy could help maintain joint health, reduce pain, and prevent disability among Hemophilia patients. He emphasized the need for continuous physical care and encouraged social work students to advocate for more accessible physiotherapy services in the region.

The workshop culminated in a Panel Discussion on “Hemophilia: Advancing Prevention and Intervention”, where experts from the medical field, faculty from the Department of Social Work, and members of the INTAS Foundation engaged in a thoughtful exchange of ideas. The panelists, including Prof. Bilal, Dr. Reshma, Dr. Rahil, Ms Mehvish, and Ms. Shabnum from the Hemophilia Treatment Centre in Srinagar, discussed strategies to improve early diagnosis and the creation of community-based support systems. They also explored how social work students could play a crucial role in educating communities, identifying potential Hemophilia cases, and advocating for the rights and needs of patients.

The event concluded with a focus on the future, as participants were encouraged to use the knowledge gained to become trainers in their own communities, creating a ripple effect that would benefit a broader population. With a strong commitment to building awareness and improving management of Hemophilia in Kashmir, the workshop set a foundation for future collaborations between medical professionals, social workers, and community organizations.

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